George has toured the U.S. with Egyptian pop star Nat­acha Atlas, and toured Europe with Lamajamal, A Hawk and a Hack­saw, and Bobby Conn. He was a founding member of Chicago’s 25 piece punk rock marching band “Mucca Pazza,” and has composed several pieces for the band.

George presents per­cus­sion work­shops at Chicago Pub­lic Schools and has directed a 33 piece drum line for five schools in North Lawndale. He has taught the Middle Eastern Rhythms class at the Old Town School of Folk Music, and from 2007 - 2017, he and his wife, Eve Monzingo were music direc­tors for the Orpheus Hel­lenic Folk­lore Soci­ety, providing musical instruction and performance for Greek and Balkan folk dance. George teaches darbuka and riq lessons in Chicago and is a first call for Chicago darbuka players.

Other gen­res George has per­formed exten­sively include: Afro-Cuban per­cus­sion (L’Orchestre Super Vitesse, Occi­den­tal Broth­ers, Roc­cambu jazz), Chi­nese surf-pop (Red Cham­ber), elec­tronic music (Fre­quency Lab, Squishy, Tran­quil­ity Bass), reg­gae (DaDa Do, Family of Souls), indie rock (Dan Wal­lace, Bobby Conn), and punk rock, Love Tone, along with his hob­bies, rag­time piano and Span­ish guitar. At his home studio, George records music, and has produced and engineered albums for Lamajamal, Byzantine Time Machine, Intercultural Music Production, and Funkar International.

